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Bay Windows A Guide To Types And Benefits

Bay Windows: A Guide to Types and Benefits

What is a Bay Window?

A bay window is a window opening that projects outward from a structure's primary walls, creating a bay in a room. It typically consists of a central picture window flanked by two smaller windows on the sides.

Types of Bay Windows

Canted Bay Window

Canted bay windows have the classic shape you would expect to see in a bay window. They feature a flat front with angled sides.

Full Circle Bay Window

Full circle bay windows, also known as bow windows, have a curved front that creates a cozy and inviting space. They offer panoramic views and abundant natural light.

Oriel Bay Window

Oriel bay windows are smaller than canted or full circle bay windows and project outwards at a 45-degree angle. They are often used in upper floors to provide additional light and create a charming architectural detail.

Benefits of Bay Windows

  • Increased natural light
  • Improved ventilation
  • Enhanced curb appeal
  • Additional seating or storage space
  • Increased property value
