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No Rest For The Wicked Release Date Ps5

No Rest for the Wicked: A Visceral Precision Action-RPG From Moon Studios

An Interview With the Developers

A Darker, More Mature Narrative

No Rest for the Wicked, the upcoming action role-playing video game from Moon Studios, is a visually luscious title wrapped in a darker, more mature narrative. We sat down with the team for an early preview of the game to discover more about its central gameplay mechanics and world design.

A Discounted Price for the First Two Weeks of Launch

As an incentive, Moon Studios has offered a discounted price for the game on Steam for the first two weeks of launch.

A Strong Impression on Content Creators

No Rest for the Wicked made a strong impression on content creators, who praised its variety when it comes to endgame.

Set in the Year 841

The game is set in the year 841, where the player assumes control of a holy warrior who must travel to the island of Isola Sacra to investigate a plague named the Pestilence.

Developed by Moon Studios and Published by Private Division

No Rest for the Wicked is developed by Moon Studios, the makers of the Ori series, and published by Private Division.

Launching for Microsoft Windows

The game is set to be released for Microsoft Windows.
